Medical Services
High blood pressure increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Reducing blood pressure can reduce these risks. Treatment does not always require tablets. Adults are advised to have their blood pressure and cholesterol checked at least every 5 years. If you have not had your blood ressure checked recently, please ask the doctor.
It is a good idea for all women to examine their own breasts regularly for lumps. If you are not sure how to do this your doctor will be able to show you. We also suggest breast examination by the doctor if you attend for a smear test. A mammogram every second years, especially from 50 years of age, is also recommended.
It is important to report any breast changes to your doctor immediately. This include lumps, thickened areas, nipple changes or discharge as well as skin dimpling or puckering. Nine out of ten lumps are NOT cancer but it is important to have any lump checked.
We have a regular Diabetic Clinic held at the centre. Please contact reception for an appointment. This common disorder is often unrecognised. Please let us know if you have a family history of this disorder.. Some early indicators could be frequent urination and/or unusual thirst.
Specialist referral to the Antenatal Clinic at the Royal Hospital for Women or a private Obstetrician of your choice can be arranged.
This practice has a special interest in women’s health, particularly in menopause and osteoporosis.
The two yearly Pap test for people aged 18 to 69 has been replaced by a five yearly human papillomavirus (HPV) test for people aged 25 to 74. People are due for their first Cervical Screening Test at the age of 25 or two years after their last Pap test. The changes include:
- a more accurate Cervical Screening Test has replaced the Pap test
- the time between tests has changed from two to five years
- the age at which screening starts has increased from 18 years to 25 years, or two years after the last Pap test if the Pap test was done at the age of 23 or over
- people aged 70 to 74 years will be invited to have a Cervical Screening Test.
We provide a full range of on-site pathology services. We perform cardiograms which all patients with hypertension or heart disease should have regularly.
It is recommended that all men over the age of 45 years attend annually for a check-up, particularly if there is a family history of prostate disease or cancer.
Regular checkups are especially important for people with excessive exposure to the sun. So come in and see one of our doctors.
We strongly encourage a No Smoking policy. Quit smoking is supported by all staff and we are happy to assist you in any possible way. There is no doubt that smoking is a major health hazard.
Our trained doctors are able to diagnose and treat sports injuries and arrange appropriate physiotherapy and rehabilitation. Our onsite physiotherapist, Angelo DiGiglio is very experienced in sports injuries management and rehabilitation.
Angelo DiGiglio is a Physiotherapist with interest areas of musculoskeletal injuries, arthritic conditions, joint replacement surgeries, older adults, falls prevention and strength programs. As part of working with various sporting teams including tennis, golf and endurance events he has provided Sports Physiotherapy assessment and treatment. Angelo has extensive experience working in Physiotherapy clinics across Sydney with over 15 years clinical experience.
He is also a highly trained Myofascial deep muscle therapist and Trigger Point expert in the treatment for postural and functional disorders.
His strong research background previously working as a researcher in the Biomedical and Health Science sphere allows him to remain up to date with current clinical research spanning over three modalities (Physiotherapy, Nutrition and Manual Therapy).
If you are travelling overseas, you may need extra vaccinations. Please contact the surgery in good time, as some vaccinations need to be given a month or more, before travelling overseas.
We strongly encourage all children to complete all their immunisations as per the recommended Schedule. These can be arranged through your doctor.
Adults: We also support immunisation of all adults; for tetanus, diphtheria and polio and selected at risk adults for Hepatitis B as well as annual influenza and pneumococcal vaccines for at risk groups. The risk from vaccination is very small.